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If you are interested in a simple way to analyze your running form, the Lumo Run wearable is the device for you. The small and discreet Lumo Run sensor attaches to the back of your running shorts. Run with your smartphone and the Lumo Run to get real-time audio coaching and post-run recommendations for drills and exercises to help improve your running form.
Alternatively, run without your smartphone with just the Lumo Run sensor and get a post-run analysis and recommendations to improve your running form the next time you fire up the mobile app. The app is your go-to place to track your progress over time. Note that when running un-tethered, there is no GPS data available so you won’t get distance, pace, and map routes – you will only get the five Lumo Run specific metrics.
Lumo Run Features
- Audio Coaching – Get real-time, in-run audio coaching on 5 important running form metrics: cadence, bounce, braking, pelvic rotation, and pelvic drop.
- Run Analysis – See a detailed post-run summary after each run (with or without your phone), including with analysis of your form and overall performance.
- Trends – Track trends and progress with comparison across multiple runs.
- Education – Stream high-quality, on-demand videos of exercises, tips and drills to help you learn.
- Personalized Exercises – For targeted strength and flexibility training, receive personalized recommendations on tips, drills and exercises based on your data to help improve your form.
- Tracking – GPS tracking through the phone for accurate pace, distance and map routes.
The Lumo Run sensor is a small and discreet wearable sensor that attaches to the back of your running shorts with a clip (included with purchase) and evaluates your running form. The Lumo Run has a lab-grade 9-axis sensor and advanced algorithms to capture accurate running biomechanics through core body movements. If it is the first time you are using the Lumo Run, you are required to do a 10 minute Evaluation Run.
The Lumo Run mobile app is a required part of the Lumo Run experience and is used to set up your sensor, get real-time audio coaching, and receive a running form analysis complete with recommendations after your run. The mobile app connects to the sensor via Bluetooth LTE and will guide you through the setup process. After setting up and performing the evaluation run, simple go for a run. Fire up your mobile app, make sure the Lumo Run sensor is connected, then start your run in 5 seconds. Stop the timer and save the run activity – the mobile app synchronize the metrics collected on the sensor and analyze your run. You can view the details from each run, perform the recommended exercises, watch the metrics trends, and track your personal records from all your runs.
What metrics are measured?
There are 5 core metrics measured by Lumo Run – cadence, bounce, braking, pelvic drop, and pelvic rotation.

Steps per minute.
The ideal range for cadence for long distance runners is at or above 180 steps per minute.
Vertical oscillation.
Bounce values under 5% of the runners height are considered good for most runners.
Change in forward velocity.
A realistic and efficient braking value is considered to be any number below 1.30 ft/s or 0.4 m/s.
Side to side drop of pelvis.
A realistic value drop value is considered to be any number below 12 degrees.
Rotation of pelvis.
A Rotation values under 15 degrees is considered good for most runners.
Learn more from Lumo web site.
Any runner (from beginner to elite) can gain insights and improve or tweak their running form with Lumo Run. The device is simple to use and understand. You are your own coach with Lumo Run’s help. I like the audio feedback initially but after a few runs, I muted it as it is bothering other runners around me (running friends and strangers). As for the run details, Lumo Run focuses only on the five core metrics (low hanging fruits) for maximum impact and results. But I must caution that secondary factors like shoes (heel-to-toe drop, cushioning, etc.) and other biomechanics metrics (pronation, contact time, braking Gs, etc.) are also very important for sustainable injury-free running. Fine tuning your running form to only these five core Lumo Run metrics may have side effects so runners beware. It may take time before these side effects show up – I learned this from two+ decades of running in heel-striking cushioned non-zero drop running shoes! And it was only six years ago that I started wearing only low drop to zero drop minimalist running shoes, adapted the natural running form, wore compression apparel, and cross-training (cycling, hiking, walking, track & field) that I have not had any running-related injury. Diet is next. But you have to look at the whole picture and all the tools that complement Lumo Run.
The one other thing that it is lacking is a complementary web site so you can explore your run details online away from your smartphone – on a tablet or laptop or desktop. That’s just my pet peeve as I like large visuals for comprehending all the data.
One last thing. Because the Lumo Run is mounted on the back of your running shorts aligned to your spine, I forgot to remove it during laundry day. The Lumo Run went through a complete wash and dry cycle. And lived to tell – it still works!
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